

Kate is currently at Durham University studying International Relations. Having excelled in English literature in both her A-levels and GCSEs, she is equipped with valuable, effective, and efficient learning skills. She has a natural confidence which enables her to maintain pupils’ attention. Her experience of teaching in a primary school also means she is extremely confident teaching younger students.

She has many impressive English achievements so far:

  • She won first place in the ‘Financial Times’ and ‘The World Today’ essay competition arguing that the UN needed to convene a General Assembly of the young to revisit the UN Charter.
  • She was awarded the signature ‘FedEx Access Award’ to her Young Enterprise Team, ‘Team Novus’. This award recognised her student-run companies’ sophisticated business design, a readiness to access global markets, a contribution to socio-economic development, and a responsible approach to environmental sustainability.

Kate has also been an active member of her school’s debate team and English society. It is this passion for English which she encourages through her teaching.

She has been tutoring at SMSO for three years. She tutors English up to GCSE, as well as tutoring English, Verbal Reasoning and creative writing for 11+ entrance examinations.