At SMSO Education, we are dedicated to minimising our environmental impact and contributing to the global effort to achieve net zero emissions. Our commitment to sustainability is paramount, and we have developed the following policy to guide our journey towards net zero: 

    •  Carbon Footprint Assessment: We will conduct regular assessments of our carbon emissions, tracking our energy consumption, transportation, and overall operational practices to identify areas for improvement. 
    • Emission Reduction Targets: We will establish ambitious emission reduction targets aligned with the latest climate science and international standards. These targets will be periodically reviewed and adjusted to ensure they remain aligned with our goal of achieving net zero emissions. 
    • Energy Efficiency: We will prioritize energy-efficient technologies and practices across all our operations, from online platform usage to administrative tasks. We will seek to minimize energy waste and adopt renewable energy sources where feasible. 
    • Transportation and Logistics: Our online tutoring model significantly reduces the need for physical transportation. However, when necessary, we will encourage the use of eco-friendly transportation options for tutors and staff. This includes lift-sharing and the use of public transport. 
    • Waste Reduction and Recycling: We will implement measures to reduce waste generation and promote recycling among our staff and students. Digital resources will be favoured over printed materials whenever possible. 
    • Sustainable Partnerships: We will collaborate with suppliers and service providers who share our commitment to sustainability. Preference will be given to partners that adhere to environmentally responsible practices. 
    • Employee Engagement: Our employees will be educated and engaged in our net zero journey. We will foster a culture of sustainability by providing training and encouraging them to contribute ideas for emission reduction. 
    • Transparency and Reporting: We will maintain transparency by regularly communicating our progress towards net zero emissions to our stakeholders, including employees, students, and the public. 
    • Offsetting Emissions: While our primary focus is on reducing our emissions, we recognize that some emissions may be challenging to eliminate. In such cases, we will invest in high-quality carbon offset projects to neutralize the impact. 
    • Continuous Improvement: We will continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve our sustainability practices. Feedback from stakeholders and advancements in green technologies will guide our ongoing efforts. 

 By adopting this net zero policy, we are committed to playing our part in addressing the climate crisis and leaving a positive impact on the planet for future generations. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in guiding our journey towards net zero emissions. 


Created and posted on 30/12/2023.