

Jenni is currently studying A level Maths, Further Maths and Physics at Sixth Form. She also enjoys training in Maths Olympiads (particularly combinatorics, number theory, and functional equations), and taking part in UKMT competitions, where she has won awards and achievements such as:


  • Medals in the Hamilton and Maclaurin papers
  • 2 Certificates of Distinction in BMO1, with a silver medal in 2019
  • Certificate of Distinction in BMO2 2020
  • Invited to the UKMT Initial Training Camp at Queens College, Oxford in 2019 
  • Invitation to the UKMT Hungary camp to train over new years, in 2019-20
  • Attended the Trinity College IMO training camp in 2020
  • Won a bronze medal in the 2020 international CMC competition 


She is also a member of her schools Senior Maths Team, and mentors younger students at school.